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CSTM Virtual Education Days

July 17, 2024

It's summer, baby!

CSTM is excited to host its next virtual education event featuring Intrauterine Transfusion and an interesting Perinatal Para Bombay case. The event will be held on July 17th, 2024, from 12:00 - 14:30 ET and once again offered simultaneously in both English and French.

Open to anyone - you do not need to be a CSTM member to attend.

Register here
Download the poster here

*Reminder: previous virtual event recordings are now available in the members-only portal on the “education - webinars” page.

To provide more consistent, cost effective, educational sessions for those who can’t take full advantage of the Annual CSTM Conferences, the Board revised the Education Subcommittee Terms of Reference in 2023 to reflect the value of a central planning group and virtual delivery of those sessions.

The subcommittee aims to provide 2-4 events annually with at least one translated event. Topic suggestions from members for future sessions are welcome, please submit via an e-mail to [email protected].

Sign up for our monthly CSTM Communique email to get updates and registration information.

Recorded presentations from past events are posted in the CSTM members’ section of the website. Maintain your CE credits with access to these presentations.

Previous sessions include:
Themes   Topics (Speakers)   CE Credits
Rural Trauma –
East and West Experience
  Rural Trauma in New Brunswick
  (Dr. Tushar Pishe)

  Rural Trauma in Alberta
  (Kelsey Jakobsen and Dr. Robby Wang)
  2 hours

Blood - from Splatter to
a Hemorrhage

   Bloody Good Evidence: the role of blood in forensic
   investigations (Mary Oliverio MSc and Ciara Logar MSc)

   A Dingo Ate My Baby!: A Horrible History & Terrible Tales of       Blood in Crime (Becky Rock RN)

   Massive Hemorrhage in Obstetric Patients- The Rural
  Perspective (Dr. Sarah Tehseen)
  2 hours
Heart Edition   Cold Agglutinins & Cardiac Surgery: A heart racing case
  (Dr. Blaine Kent) 
  The Science and Fiction of ABOi Heart Transplantation
  (Dr. Simon Urschel)