The CSTM Standards for Hospital Transfusion Services, Version 5 December 2021 (revised December 2022), reflects evidence based best practice in Canada. This bilingual document is compliant with the CAN/CSA-Z902-20, National Standard of Canada, Blood and blood components and the Health Canada Blood Regulations. This user friendly document is meant to support safe transfusion practice in hospitals and assist in meeting accreditation requirements in some jurisdictions.
In an effort to remove potential cost barriers of purchasing these standards at individual sites/institutions and to ensure it is available to support safe transfusion practice for all facilities across Canada, provinces and organizations are encouraged to purchase a licensed copy to be made available to their individual sites/institutions.
To purchase a copy of the CSTM standards click here.
CSTM Members – a .pdf copy is available in
Members Section
Attention Canadian Provincial Blood Coordinating Offices:
CSTM offers a pdf licensed copy for purchase to the provinces and territories that can then be shared with all facilities within their jurisdictions. If interested in taking advantage of the purchase opportunity of Version 5, please contact the CSTM Office (
[email protected])
Thank you,
CSTM Standards Committee
Ask the Standards Committee
Questions relating to the Standards may be directed to the Standards Committee.