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CSTM Meet the Committee – Canadian Obstetrical and Pediatric Transfusion Network (COPTN)

Welcome to the “Meet the CSTM Committee” blog series! Over the coming months our committees will be spotlighted along with some insider information about those involved. If you are interested in joining a committee we invite members to complete and submit a CSTM Volunteer Application form – available from the members section of the webpage or by emailing [email protected]

Author: Crystal Brunk

CSTM’s Canadian Obstetrical and Pediatric Transfusion Network (COPTN)

COPTN was founded in 2017 by Drs. Lieberman and Clarke. Its mandate is to assess, analyze and strive to implement best practices in pediatric and obstetrical transfusion practice in Canada. The network is comprised of pediatric hematologists, hematopathologists, transfusion medicine specialists, nurses, and transfusion safety officers from across Canada. The network meets throughout the year to discuss new research in the field, share complex cases, and identify gaps in obstetrical and pediatric transfusion evidence and bring forth new research opportunities. To date the group has published several surveys on perinatal practice, intrauterine transfusion, and pediatric massive hemorrhage protocols. The group also contributed to the Choosing Wisely Perinatal Transfusion Recommendations and is always seen at the CSTM conferences sharing their most current projects and engaging in obstetrical and pediatric transfusion conversations.

Meet the Current Co-Chairs: Drs. Lieberman and Tehseen

Dr. Lani Lieberman is a Pediatric hematologist and transfusion medicine physician.  She works as one of the Medical Directors at the University Health Network Hospital, in Toronto and is an associate Professor in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology at the University of Toronto. Having been with the group since inception, Dr. Lieberman’s knowledge has contributed to the success of COPTN – always looking to ensure the group has adequate representation from experts and from across Canada. Dr. Lieberman has promoted resource sharing and has identified evidence gaps related to pediatric and obstetrical transfusion issues. Dr. Lieberman is passionate about obstetrical and pediatric transfusion research and often encourages those new in the field to get involved.

Dr. Sarah Tehseen is an assistant professor pediatric hematology and assistant professor transfusion medicine pediatric hematology oncology at the Royal University Hospital in Saskatoon. Stepping into the co-chair role in 2023 Dr. Tehseen has been quickly learning the ropes from her successor Dr. Gwen Clarke and is keen to bring forth new ideas and group projects. Her clinical and research interests are perinatal and pediatric transfusion medicine, cellular therapies, and hemoglobinopathies. Dr. Tehseen is involved in perinatal transfusion research and data gathering efforts that enhance the D-alloimmunization prevention practices in pregnancies. She is passionate about optimizing transfusion practices for neonates, children and individuals with hemoglobinopathies.

Do you have a question for COPTN?

COPTN members are available to share their knowledge related to obstetrical and pediatric transfusion, head over to the resources section of the CSTM webpage here to access the easy to use “ask the network” platform. You can also use this platform to reach out if you are interested in auditing a meeting or joining the network.


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