CSTM Standards Committee Update (en anglais) CSTM Virtual Education Day – October 2024 (en anglais) Hommage à la Dre Dana Devine (1956-2024) CSTM Meet the Committee – Canadian Obstetrical and Pediatric Transfusion Network (COPTN) CSTM Virtual Education – July 2024 <> Un voyage à travers l’accréditation ISO CSTM Meet the Committee – Transfusion Safety Network SCMT 2024 – Nous sommes prêts à vous accueillir à Saskatoon! CSTM Virtual Education – February 2024 Heart Edition- en anlgais CSTM Meet the Board – Dr. Matthew Yan (en anglais) CSTM Meet the Board – Melissa Dawe (en anglais) CSTM 2023 - A Year In Review - en anglais The Specialist in Transfusion Science Program - en anglais Meet the CSTM Webmaster - Jenn Danielson (en anglais) CSTM Meet the Board – Rebecca Barty (en anglais) Meet the CSTM Board - Nicole Gettle (en anglais) CSTM Meet the Board – Julie Hendry (en anglais) Meet the CSTM Board - Susanna Darnel (en anglais) Meet the CSTM Board - Joanna McCarthy (en anglais) CSTM Meet the Board – Marie-Hélène Robert (en anglais) Getting the most out of the CSTM Conference – Tips and Tricks (en anglais) CSTM Meet the Board – Deanna Dillabough (en anglais) Meet the CSTM Board - Dr. Tanya Petraszko (en anglais) Meet the CSTM Board - Bernadette Muise (en anglais) Conseils techniques: Éviter l’interférence des anticorps CONNUS et des autres substances dans une identification d’anticorps I will remember you: Astrid Maguire Les Prix Oeuvre de toute une vie 2021 récompensent d’éminents chercheurs canadiens Rising to the challenge Dr. Dana Devine inaugurated as AABB President Dr. Alvin Zipursky Conseils techniques : Titrage - applications sérologiques et cliniques Agglutinines froides - Conseils techniques Conseils techniques : Neutralisation/inhibition : Un test positif en l’absence d’agglutination! Mélange et appariement - Antigènes à incidence élevée Le saviez-vous ? Revue de l’hémolyse visuelle lors du suivi de réactions transfusionnelles Conseil technique : Les anticorps « HTLA » revisités Retour aux bases : pourquoi les anticorps érythrocytaires ont une préférence de température ? Honouring a Legacy: The 14th Earl W. Davie Symposium Les enzymes protéolytiques utilisées lors d’investigations sérologiques des groupes sanguins Tracking the prevalence of COVID-19 at top speed Honest and compassionate leadership in a crisis Blood transfusion during the pandemic: strategies in a time of uncertainty Treat the Bleed Médecine transfusionnelle : Célébrons l’année internationale du personnel infirmier et des sages-femmes Panagglutination due aux alloanticorps Improving transfusion practice through serology education Canadian Blood Services scientist Alan Lazarus honoured by the Canadian transfusion community Médecine transfusionnelle : Célébrons l’année internationale du personnel infirmier et des sages-femmes Raisons pour identification d’anticorps non concluante Conseil technique : Les anticorps « HTLA » revisités From whole blood to blood components…and back again! Patients with non-ABO red blood cell antibodies Transfusion Medicine: Interpretation Required Dr. Donald Branch honoured by AABB for his career achievements The science behind young blood Writing competition runner up: Phlebotomy to improve surgical outcomes and donor blood economy International effort leads to better clinical guidelines Competition winner: Optimizing Cord Blood Donor Recruitment Creating platelets 2.0: stronger, faster, and with twice the life-saving power Winning science research writers announced Iron deficiency in pregnancy – a matter of public health Transfusion Medicine: My FIRST Year Highlights from the Canadian transfusion community’s annual conference Down Memory Lane - July 1987 Conseils techniques : Neutralisation/inhibition : Un test positif en l’absence d’agglutination! I will remember you: Maureen Patterson Alors, que diable fait une infirmière en transfusion? Part 4: Lots to celebrate as ISBT comes to Toronto: Transfusion Medicine Education Part 3: Lots to celebrate at ISBT: Research Part 2: Lots to celebrate as ISBT comes to Toronto: Local Day Lots to celebrate as ISBT comes to Toronto Looking back to look forward: 2018 Norman Bethune Symposium Le saviez-vous ? Revue de l’hémolyse visuelle lors du suivi de réactions transfusionnelles I will remember you: Ana Lima Choosing Wisely Canada's transfusion recommendations find a new outlet via BloodTechNet Graduate Certificate in Transfusion Practice, University of Melbourne ISBT Congress - What’s in it for the Transfusion Practitioners? Les enzymes protéolytiques utilisées lors d’investigations sérologiques des groupes sanguins International researchers collaborate to understand trends in blood product use Earl W. Davie Symposium - Eleven years and counting Conseils techniques : Titrage - applications sérologiques et cliniques Dr. Lawrence Bruce Robertson and blood transfusion in the trenches of World War I Iron Wellness Mélange et appariement - Antigènes à incidence élevée I will remember you - Ahmed Coovadia - Part 2 I will remember you: Ahmed Coovadia Panagglutination due to Alloantibody(ies) Musings by Malcolm Needs: Regrets, Concerns, Challenges Musings by Malcolm Needs: Notable Colleagues I will remember you: Malcolm Needs Malcolm Needs - Special Moment for A Blood Group Serologist Mix and Match - Blood Group Systems Lucky Iron Fish Test Your Knowledge – Rh Blood Group System I will remember you: Lucie Sabourin Welcome to our newly redesigned website!! I will remember you: Eric Ching Did You Know? Blood Group Serology in Asia Do you want to ... know more about lectins? I will remember you: Kate Gagliardi Test Your Knowledge - ABO Blood Group System Musings by Dianne Powell - Lab Restructuring and More I will remember you: Dianne Powell I will remember you: Kieran Biggins I will remember you: Kathy Chambers Test Your Knowledge - Blood Group Antigen History Tech Tips: Divide and Conquer - Separating Multiple Antibodies Down the Memory Lane - The Prewarming Procedure Cold Agglutinin Disease (Syndrome) - Response to Eric Agglutinines froides - Conseils techniques The Red Cell Membrane and Rare Antibodies New Blog Series - Welcome to Eric Ching In Memory of Dr George Garratty Essential Evidence-Based Information now Available to Members / L'information essentielle basée sur la preuve est maintenant disponible aux membres Report on Round Table Discussion on Paid Plasma WHO List of Essential Medicine Tribute to Sheila Cornwall Saskatchewan’s Blood Products Inventory Lean Team is awarded Premier’s Award for Excellence Maritime Kitchen Party Informed Consent...... Kieran WHO List of Essential Medicine CSTM’s letter of support for the AABB application to have blood added to the WHO list of essential medicines raised some interesting discussion through Pat Letendre’s blog and the Canadian TSO list. To learn more about the background and CSTM’s response, visit the Current Topics page of the Members Section of our website at www.transfusion.ca . Respectfully submitted, Debbie Lauzon President, CSTM Comments Comments Blog post currently doesn't have any comments. Leave comment Name: Email: Comments: Enter security code: